What was it..? Ah yes; the updates. The latest updates are fresh off the presses. Truly. They're still warm (if you feel them). Without further ado,
The Pay or Fight Ransom Formula (page 54) has been given a refresh. Bad guys now assess each character's worth/extortion value based on Rank and Class.
Victory phase booklet,
The injured butterfly has been reduced to an Agility roll of 5.
The Tavern Tab has been adjusted to (7, 4). Seven Copper Pieces is the new standard with four CP charged to characters with Charisma. It isn't so much that expenses have gone up as much as it seems related to consumption. And let's not forget the costs associated with those Wiggly Worm and Fine Muckery contests that so often seem to get out of hand. By the way, Hildegard wants her spatula back and it better not have any holes in it this time.
Cow (M002) is now "Dispassionate Cow"
Really Old Horse (M009) is now "Fastidious Old Horse"
Elephant (M013) is now "Compassionate Elephant" ...a trait that it has shown us time and again
The Llama (M019) has been revealed an "Intrepid Llama" ...because aren't they?
Moose (M020) is now "Sage Moose" (we suspected as much)
Camel (M028) has been revealed an "Ah-Pah-Mubian Camel" ...Merrick himself only just found out. Oh, and don't ask. It's a long story.
Wolf (M035) is now "Untamed Wolf"
Steampunk Auto Buggy (M039) has been downgraded to merely a "Steam-powered Auto Buggy" - But it still handles like it's on rails that are crooked
Meanwhile, our zippy friend Giant Snail (M047) has graduated to Steampunk Snail
Not to worry, he's still giant, and a true rarity in the wilds of Feonora.
Well, I think that should do it for this episode. So remember everyone, the key to a man's heart should never be left on the windowsill next to the rhubarb pie...