This update to the Adventure Card deck continues that ongoing transition, resulting in a version that has been completely refreshed with more attention to theming, design and encounters that make full use of their original intent.
As players take turns pulling cards and reading them aloud to the others they might find ways to add their own touches of dramatic flair. Some players are particularly good at this.
The full changelog.
Focus for this release was design and layout (with more sense of distinctness) for each block of card types. Also, the entire deck now conforms to the new standard of 'narrative design' for card elements.
The Mushroom Creature (A001) must have come across the wrong sort of wizard because it haaaas been pickled! which probably explains why it is trying, uncharacteristically, to chomp your feet.
The Family of Bear Bugs (A004) has grown to a full and proper "Colony of Bear Bugs" and now chases with a d8.
The Jackalope (A006) has not changed. We thought you would want to know.
The Scribbles (A008) are deadly and might have left you alone, except for one small thing. You stepped on one of their ancestors!
The Giant Hideous Toad (A011) is still giant, and hideous, but now also makes giant and hideous toad sounds... so you better get it right.
The Burrowing Slugglemyte (A018) is now even more motivated to chase you. Probably something to do with that fabulous new perfume you're wearing is that a designer label? hello.
The Headless Horseman's (A019) contract ran out and he went over to MGM to play small roles and maybe get a leading part and become a BIG star; but we'll see. Meanwhile, his altogether worser (and yet physically more um all... together) brother has shown up and now roams the wild lands. If you have ever driven on the freeway in some parts of the United States then you probably are already familiar with this sort of cad.
We just wanted you to be forewarned that Minotaur (A027) is coming to get you.
The payoff for smiting the Greedy Tyrant-O-Saurus (A028) has been increased (just a tad). Does not apply to other greedy tyrants especially those outside the plane of existence that constitutes this entirely fictional game world. Use as directed, seek professional help if symptoms continue.
We now know more than any obsessive compulsive antiquities professor ever wanted to know about the true nature of the Floating Stick (A034). Thwack!
Ouchy Bear Bug Traps (A041) are out because all the weirdo types who wanted to catch Bear Bugs did, and were subsequently eaten... by the Bear Bugs. But traps are still out there and more hazardous than ever, especially if you're traveling with clumsy people.
Goopy Gloopy Bubbly Sludge Puddle (A043) is the same but different.
Statue of Riddles (A046) finally met its match when a team of computer nerds built an AI and put them both on a game show and the AI trounced the Statue of Riddles ever so badly that not only did it implode with extreme prejudice (right there on live television!) but the entire species of riddle statues now find themselves questioning their future relevance in a world soon to be dominated by... machines.
Reworked Poor Unfortunate Souls (A049) such that the group is now going to give the fallen adventurers a proper burial and, in the process, potentially find hidden treasure. Be sure to note that the coin reward now coincides with your Character's number of Hero Awards (back of the character sheet).
The Living Tree Creature (A050) is just as kind and benevolent as before with the slight difference that your characters will need to pass a persuasion check or else it picks up the Group Leader and squishes them, thus eliminating that player from the game. Just kidding. But the persuasion part is true.
The Fearsome Dragon (A051) now trades the contents of its treasure chest for fish, rather than giving it away for nothing out of embarrassment. Aww. Isn't that just the cutest thing?
Now, in order to earn the gift of reciprocity, the Group Leader must get up and show the other players the hand (and body) gestures their character uses to help poor Hrothgar (A052) find his way.
The Hidden Waterfall (A054) still holds a secret, but you'll need a Thief to prize it away from its hiding place.
Bashful Ogre (A056) is still around sharing tea and generally being a good ambassador for Ogres everywhere, which on further consideration is probably going to get some people crushed. But I digress. You will meet someone other than the Bashful Ogre next time.
Friendship Day (A058) now has a theme song. You can dance to it.
Whichever player ends up with the Wild Mount (A059) may choose to adopt it as a prize (at no cost to the character).
We now know the names of various characters whom we've already met, such as Fessiwig's Apprentice (A064) who now bargains with you over the cost of his spells but he does has pressing matters to attend to.
All of the Butterflies (A065) to (A070) have been changed over to Screetching Scorpions with Laser Pistols.
...not really, but that certainly would give the Royal Conservatory a more sporting atmosphere.
Suspicious Log (A074) and A Bard's Fate (A077) have both been replaced by more open-ended form of Group Roleplaying card, each slightly unique from the other.