Foot (S010) has been remanded from the Red Spell family into the lesser Purple Spell family. I repeat, this has nothing to do with the incident involving Fessiwig and the bandits who tried to make off with his lunch basket only they were running past the Bank Manager at the time they were caught and let's just say there was a bit of a kerfuffle and poor Tynifir had to witness the whole thing and who would have thought that lunch baskets and Bank Managers could fly so far? and thank heavens Olga is good at catching people (of all sizes).
Magic Stones (S013) has moved from the Yellow Spell family to the Purple Spell family. We could tell you why but even we don't know, which is to say they won't tell us. But it does seem as though they've got that extra bit of Zing! to them.
Vacuum Jar (S016) has become one of the Catch or Destroy type spells, but that's only because of the recent discovery of a secret code engraved on the back of the spell, describing how to release the occupant. No one would have known this until a group of students at the University discovered the only way to see it: a bit of lemon juice, dabbed gently, and a pair of enchanted spectacles (that you have to send for on the back of a cereal box).
Furbonite (S018) has also joined the illustrious ranks of Catch or Destroy type spells on account of the hidden "Defrost" command revealed to us by a mysterious bounty hunter ...who turned out to be a Princess on a secret mission to both rescue her beau and free the galaxy from "Imperial Scum." We just liked her spiffy hairdo.
Mordokai's Sword has been retired and now serves as a Training Spell over at RPG University. Since the sword could only ever be in one place at any given time that makes it easier for students to learn advanced combat spells without having too many pupils being chased into the bog (all at once). Plus the kitchen staff like to borrow it for meal preparations. Thankfully, one of Fessiwig's secretive and anonymous associates had just recently uncovered the existence of a Mordokai spell that, up until now had been thought lost to the annals of myth and time.
Crushy Weight (S024) has also been retired. But you'll find much of the same usefulness in its replacement, which offers the same satisfying Crush! capability along with more of that special pizzazz inherent in all giant toaster ovens.
Bear in mind that Polymorph (S025) will always transform your foe into a 'random inanimate object,' which is to say that it will be a different object each time.
Both Unlock spells still work same as before, the only difference being they were not created by the same wizard, so the approach is slightly different depending on which one your character is using.
An entirely new detect trap spell has joined the others in the form of Boothby's Trap Detection (S041) which, as the name suggests, is intended to assist with booby traps in general ~ that's if you can get it to work. The Yellow Spell "Faeries Wings" was retired to make room for this one.