Previously, the Character Portraits sheet was a lonely canvas of empty frames. Now players will find that some interesting characters have begun to arrive.
It's been a long time coming. The first publicly available version of Heroes of Feonora went online May 10, 2010. Since that time we've been plugging along quietly in the background, making small, incremental improvements to the website, exploring some of the game's Ready Made Characters, and talking to handfuls of potential artists on possible collaboration. Along the way, a couple of those folks decided to come on board to contribute to this Free/Downloadable version of the project. Lisa and I are very pleased to say that the PDF Packs now include a small set of beautifully illustrated Character Portraits to help players get started. Previously, the Character Portraits sheet was a lonely canvas of empty frames. Now players will find that some interesting characters have begun to arrive. As time goes by we'll see if we can't expand this collection even further. In other news Merrick the Stablekeep reports that a new batch of Mounts have arrived at the stables, "They're a fine lot, fit for a good journey. Reliable too...well, maybe not that shifty looking one off in the corner there. Might want to take it easy with that one; they say the previous owner went missing a fortnight ago."
September 2024