Each new release represents an incremental improvement overall and usually also reflects a certain theme in terms of game design. For this one the two themes most prominently represented are pacing and group engagement. More specifically, all Final Encounters now have a mini-game that properly keeps all players engaged throughout the encounter. There are some other changes as well.
Heroes of Feonora, RPG Board Game
Similar to the Diplomacy game re-tooling from version 1.0.8 the Fish Delivery
game has been re-worked with greater focus on group participation and strategy.
This includes a secondary 'Desperation option' for those groups unfortunate
enough to arrive with few fish (and little hope for completing the game otherwise)
Small wording changes and grammar fixes throughout.
Victory phase booklet,
The Character leveling structure is now broken into three tiers such that Rank
increases are now given as follows: Any player that fails to earn a Victory Badge
goes up one Rank. Players that earn any number of Victory Badges increase by
two Ranks. The winner of the Hero Award goes up three Ranks.
Changed the "Hero" rank to "Hero of the Ages"
The previously orphaned (and ever so lonely) 'No Random Events' card at (T024)
is now "The Next Big Thing" and has something to do with Fighter-type
characters who happen to come across a curious bloke looking to put together
some sort of spectacle... for which he probably does not have the proper permits.
Two Troubles cards, Scribbles (T041) and Sewer Monster (T057) can now only be
completed with an Attack roll, merely driving away the pest rather than
destroying it. They can no longer be solved with magic.
Trouble with Drunken Rabble (T042) can now be completed with an "Agility,
Persuasion or Attack" roll. Well they had it coming right sure enough.
The Thievery roll on "Stolen Heirloom" (T050) has been reduced from 8 to 7.
Random movement cards (T064) thru (T080) have been livened up with a dash of
roleplay elements, along with increased movement values. Similar change have
been applied to The Giving Tree cards (T021) and (T022) as it applies to
Treasure Hunters.
Campfire Camradarie (A048) now gives players what they've been wanting all
along... the option to get up and show us the dance ~ still tied to character agility
so as to keep things fair.
Bank Day (A071) and (A072) interest payouts have been ever so slightly
increased at the higher range.
Booby Trap of Teleportation (D045) is now "Booby Trap of Greed and Pilferage."
Bank Day (D075) and (D076) interest payouts have been ever so slightly
increased at the higher range.
In order to quicken the pacing while venturing underground one of the "2" values
was bumped up to a "3." This will effect eleven cards (card backings) and give
many underground journeys slightly more upbeat pacing.
The number of Hero Bonuses needed to reach the "Special" upgrade has been
reduced from ten to eight. This affects existing Hero Bonus HP stats in that the
numbers 1 and 9 have been eliminated.
For newly created characters notice that the check boxes have been removed
entirely from the Basic Ability dice selection area. This is meant to encourage
coloring in the dice to give each character sheet more personality.
Just a reminder that 'The Ingredient Fix' addendum remains separate from the
Game Manual, but serves as an excellent way of sprucing up group
activities - not to mention earning potential - over at the Bakery.