Have a look at the new component sheet for Victory Badges...
The other big announcement (we're pretty excited about this one) is that we now have the ability to upgrade the Movement value of our beloved Mounts. No more having to switch to a different one merely because it can move about faster during Town Time. Relative differences between mounts still matter and remain intact, but with this change we give our characters more flexibility in choosing the mount they most love with less disadvantage for the starting moment value assigned to it. Find out more in the Upcoming Changes addendum and have a sneak peek at the revised Character Sheet with new Mount-related stuff.
Small formatting changes. Most notably, dice icons were converted to a text element for better flow of information along with minor adjustments on individual mounts to account for the new upgrading mechanism: (M022), (M024), (M026), (M028), (M030), (M031), (M032), (M033), (M034), (M035), (M045).
These adjustments were needed to help maintain relative differences among mounts while still providing for the unique and special qualities of others.
With much care and attention to detail, all cards in the deck have at last been brought up to the new standard of 'narrative design' for card elements. We hope you'll find this gives each character more personality (and liveliness).
In the process we have gone ahead and renamed Derian Ufgood (P042) to "Boathias Ufgood" to better reflect his wily nature, his age and... general all-around Haufliness and gosh it's just so much more fun a name.
Bernard the Regular (P044) had pressing matters to attend to back on the farm and won't be available for matches in the meanwhile. But strangely, disturbingly, a new someone ~ or something has shown up in his place... uninvited and from where? no one knows. It's all rather confusing.
Winfred the Hunter (C015) who was trampled by an endangered Black Rhino, was replaced with a slightly somewhat very... um "eccentric" Khajathi, who does rather draw a crowd whenever he's hanging about the tavern, especially when he's telling stories to rival some of the best Bards in the land.
Edric the Mighty (C023) was replaced by "Selfie the Treacherous Fairy." What we don't know is whether Edric went off somewhere and Selfie just happened to show up, or if Selfie's arrival has something to do with poor Edric's disappearance.
We'd suggest keeping a watchful eye on that one.
Confident Sailor (C024) is back at sea with his shipmates and a lump on his head from the love note he tried giving to Olga, only he was hoping for a kiss and what he got instead was at once better and altogether more earth-shattering than a simple kiss goodbye my sweet until we meet again. Eh hm. But we have seen someone who is probably far more enjoyable to keep company with as she is a one-of-a-kind soul who can help you catch Criminals and stay out of harms way.
Big Bird's not imaginary friend Snuffleupagus and most of all a beloved song (1963) that we hope we can share with anyone who may be unfamiliar with it.
Try it this way. Turn up the volume, minimize the browser and just listen carefully to the entire song all the way through. It might help to close your eyes and, most important of all - Don't read the comments!